Toll-Free Number (within US) +1 (800) 845-2110
Corporate Headquarters
6111 Shakespeare Rd.
Columbia, SC 29223
(803) 754-7011
How can we help customize a solution for your unique application? Let’s talk and find out.
Toll-Free Number (within US) +1 (800) 845-2110
Corporate Headquarters
6111 Shakespeare Rd.
Columbia, SC 29223
(803) 754-7011
How can we help customize a solution for your unique application? Let’s talk and find out.
Corporate Headquarters
6111 Shakespeare Rd.
Columbia, SC 29223
(803) 754-7011
North Carolina – Conductive Fibers
P.O. Box 1766 | 1451 Sand Hill Rd.
Enka, NC 28728
(803) 754-7011 EXT 4003
Shakespeare Monofilament UK LTD
Enterprise Way, Fleetwood,
Lancashire FY7 8RY, U.K.
(00 44) 1253 858787